SMART ADRIA Blue Growth, on 23-24 September  Study visit in Puglia and Molise

24 September 2021
SMART ADRIA Blue Growth, on 23-24 September Study visit in Puglia and Molise

On Thursday 23 and Friday 24 September, the delegations from Montenegro and Albania will be in Puglia and Molise for the study visit foreseen in the framework of the SMART ADRIA Blue Growth project, financed by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme.

The two-day tour represents a concrete opportunity of contact and exchange of information for the partnership, through the visit to the selected Blue Growth best practice locations in Puglia and Molise, and the participation in the European Night of researchers organized by the University of Molise.

The first day is dedicated to the visit, in the morning, to Apulia Kundi and Andriani Pasta Factory in the city of Gravina in Puglia, to show the use of algae for making pasta. In the afternoon, in the Regione Puglia Presidency,  will take place two partners’ meeting: it will start with the one on  Innovation vouchers with a presentation of practical cases by Unioncamere Puglia and ARTI, to conclude with a practical demonstration by ISPA-CNR of their ongoing project on seaweed cultivation in vitro. These last activities will see the participation of Mr. Mauro Novello and Mrs.Aurora Losacco from the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg IT-AL-ME Program.

On the second day, the delegates will move to Termoli to attend a daily boat tour during which to address topics related to Blue Growth. In the afternoon is foreseen the participation to the Night of Researchers at the Unimol headquarters of Termoli with a focus on the issues of sustainable tourism and beach/marine litter reduction addressed through the presentation of good practices and the organization of anti-pollution activities.