12 May 2022
"Establishing of the Blue Growth cluster – possibilities and recommendations" - presentations

The event "Establishing a blue growth cluster - opportunities and recommendations" was held on Tuesday, April 19th at the Institute of Marine Biology, Kotor, Montenegro

It was a great opportunity to see and hear many interesting information about the support for the establishment of the Blue Growth cluster and the improvement of the framework conditions for the development of a sustainable cross-border market for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the field of blue growth.

The presenters were Ana Pešić, Ph. D, from the Institute of Marine Biology, Mario Lovrinov, MSc, expert for aquaculture and fisheries, Danijela Mioković, DSc, Bojan Vujović, EU Integration Office, Mirko Đurović, Ph. D, Institute of Marine Biology, Miško Rađenović, Ph. D, Institute of Marine Biology and x, the first IT cluster in Montenegro by Aleksandar Drekalović, ICT Cortex.

The mentioned presentations can be found below:

Present situation with fisheries and aquaculture in Montenegro - Ana Pešić

Innovative trends in aquaculture and processing - Mario Lovrinov

Spatial planned grounds for the development of the fisheries - Mario Lovrinov

Examples of the use of ESI Funds in the fisheries - Danijela Mioković

EU support for the Blue Growth - Bojan Vujović

Presentation of the Blue Growth Cluster - Mirko Đurović

Presentation of the Blue Growth Cluster - Miško Rađenović

Good practices - ICT Cortex - Aleksandar Drekalović